For Caregivers – Changes in Thinking and Behaviour (Delirium)

One woman supports another, while she looks outside

It can be frightening to witness a delirium. Watching a person all of a sudden change from their normal to thinking and behaving strangely can be scary.

Delirium is not well understood. It may be difficult to recognize if you are not aware of what delirium is.

The Changes in Thinking and Behaviour (Delirium) explores the following topics:

  • The difference between delirium and dementia.
  • How to recognize changes in thinking in the person you are caring for.
  • Myths about changes in thinking.
  • Common causes and risk factors for delirium.
  • Strategies to manage and prevent delirium.
  • Tips for talking to health care providers about changes in thinking.
  • How to find addition supports to support you and the person you are caring for.

Common Terms

Throughout the Changes in Thinking Chapter, we’ll explore the following terms:

Delirium A new, sudden change in a person’s ability to think, remember and understand what is going on around them.  A person who is delirious may appear confused, disorganized, hyper, frightened, forgetful, and suspicious of other people.
Dementia Changes to a person’s ability to independently interact with the world around them as a result of changes happening in their brain.

Next Steps

  • Download the Caregiving Strategies Handbook for reference to all chapters in one location.
  • If you want to learn more Caregiving Strategies, register for the online course. This course allows you to work through these topics at your own pace alongside other caregivers.
  • Sign up below if you would like to receive updates from RGPO about resources for caregivers and or upcoming online course offerings.

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