For Caregivers – Medication Management

Various pills and syringes arranged for use in administering medication

Managing medications is an important part of caregiving that can be challenging.

There can be a lot to organize:

  • Monitoring the timing of when medications are taken
  • What needs to be taken with medication (food, other meds, etc.)
  • Being aware of possible side effects

The Medication Management Chapter explores the following topics:

  • How to manage medications when there are multiple caregivers
  • Assisting the person you care for to take their medications safely
  • Instructions and organization techniques to support independence and compliance
  • What to do if the person you care for says ‘no’ to their medications
  • How to support a person living with dementia to take their medications
  • Alternatives to medications
  • Myths about medication use
  • Tips for talking to health care providers about medication management
  • How to find additional support for you and the person you care for

Common Terms

Throughout the Medication Management Chapter, we’ll explore the following terms:

Polypharmacy A medical term that describes taking many medications including prescribed and/or over-the-counter and herbal/supplemental products.
The use of non-mainstream approaches instead of traditional Western medicine.
The use of non-mainstream approaches along with traditional Western medicine.
Many different approaches to health, healing and symptom management. Some examples include: yoga, deep breathing, meditation, massage, acupuncture, art and music therapy, and more.

Next Steps

  • Download the Caregiving Strategies Handbook for reference to all chapters in one location.
  • If you want to learn more Caregiving Strategies, register for the online course. This course allows you to work through these topics at your own pace alongside other caregivers.
  • Sign up below if you would like to receive updates from PGLO about resources for caregivers and or upcoming online course offerings.

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