Finding Support
Caregivers report that finding the right supports to meet your unique needs, as well as the person you are caring for, can be challenging and is an ongoing process. Caregiver self-care and care planning, navigating the community and health care system, and complicated relationships and family dynamics, make caregiving complex. As circumstances and needs change in your caregiving situation, so does the required support of the senior living with frailty.
Connecting with health care professionals, support groups, programs and services, and having easy access to information you need, can contribute greatly to both your wellness and quality of life, as well as the person in your care. As a starting point, click on the tabs below to find information and resources that other caregivers and health care professionals have recommended.
Ask a health care professional
Ask a person who can lead you in the right direction (doctor, nurse practitioner, nurse, pharmacist, therapist, etc.). The health care system can be difficult to navigate, and the steps will be different depending on who you talk to and where you live. There is no one set way to navigate the health care system. Talking to knowledgeable people who are familiar with health care resources in your local area can be a good first step.
211 Ontario
211 Ontariois a free helpline that connects you with many different programs and services in your area. This is a great starting point to find resources in your area. The 211 Ontario phone number is: 1-877-330-3213. See 211 Ontario.
Healthline Health Services for Ontario
This website provides access to local health and community services across Ontario. See The Also, watch the video about finding a service in your area.
A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors
This booklet provides resources available for seniors in Ontario, including tax credits, health, caregiving, housing, driving and staying safe. See A guide to programs and services for seniors to download the guide.