According to the Canadian Frailty Network (2019), “Frailty is a state of health where the person’s overall well-being and ability to function independently are reduced and vulnerability to deterioration is increased. People who are frail tend to spend more time in hospital, are less likely to return to their own home, are more likely to need care and support if they do go home and are also likely to have extended stays in long-term care”.
Why is it important to understand frailty? Research demonstrates that frailty may be prevented, postponed, or reversed. Caregivers can support resilience, encourage independence, and enhance the quality of life of the person they care for by applying some or all strategies discussed in this course.
Risk Factors for Experiencing Frailty
You may be concerned that the person you care for is at risk of experiencing frailty. Some factors that might increase a person’s risk of living with frailty are:
How to Identify Frailty
Using a screening tool can be a first step to identifying frailty. The Pictorial Fit-Frail Scale (PFFS) is an example of a screening tool that can be used by caregivers. Using images to identify levels of frailty, you can complete this on your own and/or with the person you are caring for. This tool takes approximately five minutes to complete.
Activity – Try a Tool
The Pictoral Fit-Frail Scale (PFFS) is an example of a screening tool that can be used by caregivers. Using images to identify levels of frailty, you can compete this on your own and/or with the person you are caring for. This tool takes approximately five minutes to complete.
Why is the Pictorial Fit-Frail Scale (PFFS) helpful for caregivers?
Upon completion, the PFFS can be used as a tool to support communication with the person in your care. You can use it to discuss frailty and/or to discuss areas in their life where they may appreciate more support. The completed scale may also be a useful tool when speaking with a health care professional about the person’s needs, changes you are noticing in their independence, and the role you have in the person’s life.